Stuff and Nonsense

Using macros in Vim

Using Macros in Vim and Neovim

In Vim and Neovim, a macro is a sequence of commands you can record and play back to automate repetitive tasks. Here's a basic guide on how to use macros:

  1. Start recording a macro: Press q followed by any letter from a to z or A to Z. This letter is the register where the macro will be stored. For example, qa starts recording a macro and stores it in register a.

  2. Perform the actions you want to automate: These can include navigating through the text, inserting or deleting text, copying and pasting, or any other Vim commands. Vim will record everything you do until you stop recording.

  3. Stop recording: Press q again to stop recording. Your macro is now stored and ready to be replayed.

  4. Play back the macro: Press @ followed by the register letter where your macro is stored. For example, @a plays back the macro stored in register a.

  5. Repeat the last played macro: You can use @@ to repeat the last played macro.

  6. Play back the macro multiple times: To repeat a macro a specific number of times, you can type a number before the @ command. For example, 5@a will play the macro stored in register a five times.

Remember, macros in Vim and Neovim are case-sensitive. So, a and A are two different registers you can use to store different macros.

This is a basic introduction to using macros. Macros in Vim and Neovim can be incredibly powerful, and can even include conditional logic and other advanced features when combined with Vim's scripting language.